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H.E. Chea Serey, Director General of the Central Banking, National Bank of Cambodia, participated as a speaker at the 22nd ASEAN Banking Conference and the 49th ASEAN Banking Council Meeting

On November 25th, 2019, H.E. Chea Serey, Assistant Governor and Director General of the Central Banking, National Bank of Cambodia, participated as a speaker and presented on the topic “Experiences of the National Bank of Cambodia on the use of Blockchain Technology in Bakong Project to reduce the use of cash in the country” at the 22nd ASEAN Banking Conference and the 49th ASEAN Banking Council Meeting at Sokha Hotel, Phnom Penh. There are over 500 participants from the ASEAN secretariat, ministries, embassies of the ASEAN countries in Cambodia, and members of the associations of banks in the region. The conference is organized under the theme, “ASEAN Connectivity 2025: A Brave New World of Digital Innovation For One ASEAN Banking Sector” aiming at the digital transformation of banking and financial services in the region, meaning to modernize the financial infrastructure and leverage on technology for improving the efficiency and effectiveness in providing financial services to the ASEAN population.