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Her Excellency CHEA Serey, Assistant Governor and Director General of Central Banking was invited as a distinguished speaker at the virtual launch of the report on Gender Wage Gap in Cambodia, organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

On Thursday March 11, 2021, Her Excellency CHEA Serey, Assistant Governor and Director General of Central Banking was invited as a distinguished speaker at the virtual launch of the report on Gender Wage Gap in Cambodia, organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The launch event was organized to disseminate the findings of UNDP on the root causes of gender wage gap in Cambodia and discuss on policy inputs in achieving gender equality by reducing gender wage gap in Cambodia. The conference was also attended by Mr. Nick Beresford, Resident Representative of UNDP in Cambodia, H.E. The Chhunhak, Director General of General Directorate of Gender Equality and Economic Development, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, and Dr. Eng Netra, Acting Executive Director of Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), public and private institutions, organizations and students. In this regard, H.E. CHEA Serey has stressed that in addition to the access to financial services, women are also met with complications in the usage of financial services. Therefore, the inclusion of financial literacy and entrepreneurship in school curriculum are vital to Cambodia as the school dropout rate of girls is higher than boys. It is thus beneficial for them to utilize those skills in their livings.