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Her Excellency CHEA SEREY, Assistant Governor and Director General of Central Banking of the National Bank of Cambodia participated in a panel discussion on “Foundational Digital Infrastructure for Inclusive Digital Economies”

On 26 April 2021, Excellency CHEA SEREY, Assistant Governor and Director General of Central Banking of the National Bank of Cambodia participated in a panel discussion on “Foundational Digital Infrastructure for Inclusive Digital Economies” in SFF Green Shoots Series organized virtually by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). The Event was participated from leading speakers such as Mr. Ravi Menon, Managing Director of MAS, Dayang Hajah Rokiah binti Haji Badar, Managing Director of Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD), Dr. Patrick Njoroge, Governor of Central Bank of Kenya, and Dr. Maxwell Opoku-Afari, First Deputy Governor of Bank of Guana, In the discussion, H.E. Chea Serey shared view on the development state and importance of digital infrastructures in particular, the development of the Bakong in promoting interoperability among different players in Cambodia and cross border payment. In that occasion, MAS also launched the White Paper on Foundational Digital Infrastructure for Inclusive Digital Economies which is the first achievement of the Global Foundational Stack project initiated by MAS and participated by the NBC, AMBD, Bank of Guana, and Central Bank of Kenya and the case study of Cambodia’s digital infrastructures is also incorporated in the White Paper.  
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