To meet the demand for human capital in the banking and financial sector, the National Bank of
Cambodia leadership decided to establish the Center for Banking Studies (CBS). As such, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport released Prakas ធ.៨៩៤.៥៥ ប្រ.ក dated December 01, 1994 and Prakas ៦៨អយកប្រក dated February 09, 1999.
The Center for Banking Studies Associate's Degree in Banking was accredited by decision ០៧ អ.យ.ក.ស.ស.រ of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. To strengthen the Center for Banking Studies, the National Bank of Cambodia leadership released Prakas ធ.១.០៣.១០៦.ប្រ.ក dated July 02, 2003 for a new curriculum for the CBS.
The Center for Banking Studies Associate's Degree in Banking was accredited by decision ០៧ អ.យ.ក.ស.ស.រ of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. To strengthen the Center for Banking Studies, the National Bank of Cambodia leadership released Prakas ធ.១.០៣.១០៦.ប្រ.ក dated July 02, 2003 for a new curriculum for the CBS.